Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Someone once told me that we shouldn’t let the outer stuff control the inner stuff. Sometimes we get the feeling that some specific people are meant to take up some particular responsibilities. But can I ask a question, can you write a list of at least five things such a person has that you don’t have besides material stuff? “For they conquer who believe they can”. It’s all about your mind set.
What really is this “sense of belonging” we all talk about? It is not the ability to fit into a group of people neither is it the fact that people feel your impact. Actually it is both. To have a sense of belonging you should fit into the group and the only way to do that is to have an impact on the people in that group. Nobody wants to be associated with someone that has nothing to offer. Your aim of fitting in should not be because you want to be known as a member of that group i.e. to improve your social status. It should be because you have a lot within you which you want others to benefit from.
It is just like a garden, a weed is seen as a plant which does not belong because it has nothing to offer. It is a perfect example of selfishness; taking and never giving. The bible makes us understand that giving guarantees your receiving. Now, let me tell you why you have no sense of belonging. It is because you have nothing to offer. It is a painful truth but the truth they say is bitter. If you believe you have something to offer, why then do you hold it back?
The only way you can belong is to have something to give and not you wanting to receive. Let the person within you that has everything to offer burst out and over shadow the selfish man everyone sees. There is a lot you can accomplish by being contributing because the more your contribution the greater your sense of belonging.
Nnenne Ude
Someone once told me that we shouldn’t let the outer stuff control the inner stuff. Sometimes we get the feeling that some specific people are meant to take up some particular responsibilities. But can I ask a question, can you write a list of at least five things such a person has that you don’t have besides material stuff? “For they conquer who believe they can”. It’s all about your mind set.
What really is this “sense of belonging” we all talk about? It is not the ability to fit into a group of people neither is it the fact that people feel your impact. Actually it is both. To have a sense of belonging you should fit into the group and the only way to do that is to have an impact on the people in that group. Nobody wants to be associated with someone that has nothing to offer. Your aim of fitting in should not be because you want to be known as a member of that group i.e. to improve your social status. It should be because you have a lot within you which you want others to benefit from.
It is just like a garden, a weed is seen as a plant which does not belong because it has nothing to offer. It is a perfect example of selfishness; taking and never giving. The bible makes us understand that giving guarantees your receiving. Now, let me tell you why you have no sense of belonging. It is because you have nothing to offer. It is a painful truth but the truth they say is bitter. If you believe you have something to offer, why then do you hold it back?
The only way you can belong is to have something to give and not you wanting to receive. Let the person within you that has everything to offer burst out and over shadow the selfish man everyone sees. There is a lot you can accomplish by being contributing because the more your contribution the greater your sense of belonging.
Nnenne Ude
Just as in mathematics; if the R.H.S (right hand side) is not equal to the L.H.S (left hand side) the equation can never yield the required results. So also it is with success, trying so hard on your own isn’t getting you anywhere and praying without working won‘t get u anywhere either. They go hand in hand; one without the other is like a river without water (why then is it called a river).
The bible makes us understand that we should learn to trust in God and lean not on our own understanding, Proverbs 3:5. The same bible says that you can only reap what you have sown
Galatians 6:7. If you sow hard work you reap the reward of a hard worker.
But we should not lose sight of the fact that hard work alone can get a man nowhere. If not how do we explain the case of a person who reads for hours unending and still has nothing to show for it. For a food to be sweet all the necessary ingredients must be present and in their appropriate quantity. The benefit of trusting in God while working hard is that for every little effort you make God multiplies it giving an output that is a thousand times greater than the original input. Only with God is the law of conservation of energy disobeyed.
Remember once more to pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything thing depends on you and you will see what a wonder you will be to your world.
Nnenne Ude
If there is something that you have been praying and asking God for but it does not seem forthcoming, check yourself. It is not because you are not asking rightly (although sometimes that could be the case) but most times it is because you do not use the right approach.
Take this example; there’s this little girl who everyday asks her father to buy her ice-cream on his way back from the office. He promises to do it but at the end of the week it turns out he never did. Then one Monday when her father gets back from work she goes to him and says daddy I am so grateful for the ice-cream you got me, it was wonderful. Now her dad wonders what ice-cream because he is so sure that he did not get her any. Now instead of receiving the daily request of ice-cream from his daughter he gets a daily thank you for something he is yet to do. Believe me in no time he not only got her the ice-cream but popcorn to go along with it.
Another example is when Jesus fed the five thousand. The available food was not enough but instead of asking God to provide more or going around looking for more he simply gave thanks and instantly there was an answer.
The same thing applies to God. God has made us several promises he will definitely keep. But to you it may seem like there is a delay in the fulfillment of these promises in your life. Try this, instead of asking God consecutively for it; choose to thank him for already doing it. You will see that your answer will come faster than you can ever imagine.
Thanksgiving is a way to speed up the arrival of the answers to your prayers. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”. Give thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nnenne Ude
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Practical Christianity
Check it out...
NOTE: This is a checklist and anytime you accomplish a task...tick it!
1 Timothy 1:5
Now the purpose of this charge is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith…
Think about that verse for a minute. Chew it up, swallow it, and digest it.
The charge of Christianity is more than speaking Christianese as Harry says.
Here’s a weekly schedule of what you can do to be much more real. Tick it off as the days go by and watch yourself become less of An Andolasian* and into the real world!
SUNDAY - Go to church and make friends with someone new that sits beside you!
- Be kind to a parent or visitor by calling their ward personally, especially if its 400 floor. (and yes this includes boyfriends looking for chicks and vice versa)
- Go out of your way to be nice to a floormate you’ve never talked to.
- Find your hall rep, class rep, floor rep, council chairman and say well done (this is so weird!)
MONDAY – have you told Mr. Wogu congratulations?
- Paint your roommates toenails and totally pamper her (trust me the rest of the week will be free indomie for you!)
- Complement people (boys please do not flatter or “whine”); this includes strangers
- Pay real attention in class (for once, sweetie!).
TUESDAY- help a lecturer carry his stuff into class (and yes, this includes those who come 1 hour late)
- Choose a Bible mentor and read something about him or her (mine is David.)
- Say hi to a complete stranger (here crushes are included, so this should be fun!)
- Give something you rilli want for yourself to someone who rilli needs it.
WEDNESDAY – tutor someone who doesn’t understand.
Go to caf for someone (if you can, buy them lunch! And this doesn’t include taking a girl out!)
- Take out time to study the bible for an hour and write down all you’ve read (try Leviticus first..lol! J)
- Help stack up chairs or arrange chairs after cell fellowship (please come)
THURSDAY – visit another YWAP member and talk about your day.
- Look for someone you don’t like and like them.
- Buy a birthday present or card for someone this week
- Pray for anyone you think that needs prayer write it down somewhere and when a reply comes tick it off (this is great!)
FRIDAY- consciously make an effort to speak positively.
- Take out time to listen to what people are saying not rushing to say something of your own.
- Read a verse from Proverbs and think about it.
- Arrange your room and do not gloat about it to your roomies.
SATURDAY – do your devotion, pray and worship (even if all this takes just 5 minutes! Lol J)
- Make someone’s Saturday, buy someone free lunch.
- Write a list like this for next week.
*Andolasian: someone from the cartoon world. If you haven’t watched Enchanted add it to your list! And guys, really, this could improve your game!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thank You!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Take me as i am - Lecrae
Christ through faith
I talked to a cat the other day
And he was like;
Man I really wanna come to Christ
But I gotta clean my life up first, get my sins together
I told em, I used to think that way too
I thought I had to change myself before I could come to Christ
But Christ changed me
Let me tell you my story, it starts like this
[Verse One]
It's 5:46 in the mornin', tossin' and turnin'
Chest burnin', sermons in my head keep reocurrin'
Havin' visions in my head of a kid
Cryin' at the feet of the Father, for all the wrong things that he did
Now I'm sweatin' in my sheets can't sleep
My mind keeps tellin' me I'm six feet deep
Don't remind me, even though I'm still alive I can't tell
The way I'm living my life I feel I'm going to hell
God they telling me I should accept you
That you had to leave the world, cause the world left you
Reason I can't change, like a mystery to me
So I make believe there really is a heaven for a G
Even though they say you loved the world so much, you shed ya blood
God I feel I'm too messed up for love
They tell me come as I am but I smell like smoke
My whole lifes full of sin cause it's all I know
The bible told me that you died for my sins
If I believe in Christ, it'll save me from the end
But I'm scared to ask you, to save me my heart
So evil, I got thoughts, that's full of hatred hurtin' people
I thought at first I had to clean up my life
Now I'm hearin' I just need to cling to the light
I'm ready to do it, but Lord I pray you understand
My life is a mess, will you take me as I am
Will you take me as I am
I know the way I'm living is wrong
But I can't change on my own, trying to make it alone
I wonder, how could you love me when my life so ugly
But you came down and died for me
Will you take me as I am
I know the way I'm living is wrong
But I can't change on my own, trying to make it alone
I wonder, how could you love me when my life so ugly
But you came down and died for me
Will you take me as I am
[Verse Two]
I'm sick and tired of trying to be the man, my daddy never taught me to be
I'm grown up now, life ain't what I thought it would be
I made many mistakes in my past I can't fix
Now I'm staring at this crucifix tatted on my wrist
Is it true what they telling me, am I just crazy
Did ya bleed on the cross, for my sins to save me
But why would ya die for me
My whole life I've been working for Satan, while He fed lies to me
And now I'm hearing too much, trying to get a true touch
Of a love that can change me, I'm all screwed up
Figure Hell is what I deserve
But your word says we all fall short so I guess we all outta burn
Teach me I wanna learn
How you could save a wretch like me, before death says it's my turn
I think I finally understand
No matter my past, you'll still take me as I am
[Verse Three]
My father had a few last words to give
I be telling people the reason to live
The reason to die, united with the King in the sky
This life is passing us by, I got no reason to lie
You'll never give the world enough, they'll hunger for more
They figure there ways are nuthin to the wonderous lord
More security than the man that left you
More love than the moms who kept you
He'll always accept you
Be everything your supposed to
Let Christ rule ya heart, mind, body and soul cause He chose you
And if the world don't know you
It don't matter you're Gods child and he'll never disown you
Ya purpose on earth is far from worthless
That's why ya glorified like ya life's been purchased
And it don't matter if the world don't seen us
We still mean the world to Jesus
Yeah, we're saved by grace through faith
It's not works
Ain't nuthin you can do, ain't nuthin I can do
That could get us this grace salavation that we got man
It's only Christ
So if you feel like you gotta clean yourself up
Before you can come to Him
Forget it
Just come to Him
He'll take you as you are, and he'll change YOU
From the inside, out
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A lot of us Nigerians are fond of blaming the authorities. A very typical Nigerian would blame the government officials for the corruption we experience in virtually every sector of the economy. Let’s not forget that there is no economy without you and me. We make up the economy. The authorities represent just about 15% of our total population. As it is often said the majority carries the vote. If the remaining85% of us can decide against corruption then we’d see that there would be change.
Well, that’s by the way. What I’m here to talk on is “praying for those in authority”. Let’s take our cue from the book of Romans 13:1“Everyone must submit himself to authority, for there is no authority that exists except that which has been established by God. All the authorities that exist have been established by God”. We see here that the bible is against rebellion against authorities. We agree that some of our leaders are not on track but who are we to judge? Is there any of us that can say that indeed if today our life was to become a topic for discussion we will be found spotless? We are human and it is in the human nature to sin except you operate under God’s grace. They also are human and have as much tendency as we do to sin. The difference is that we have come to the knowledge of Christ and are operating under his grace. It is by this grace that we strive to live perfect lives. Even the bible in Matthew 5:48 says “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”.
Most of our leaders are ignorant of the fact that God who has placed them over His people will grant them His grace to be efficient leaders. Most of our leaders lead based on their own understanding. The bible makes us understand that the wisdom of men is foolishness in the sight of God. It is therefore our duty to pray for our leaders. We ought to pray that God’s will alone, will prevail in their lives. That whatever decisions they make will come directly from Him. Here’s the thing, if we fail to pray for them every decision they make will not only affect you but affect you in a negative way. That is when they will remember to increase the price of fuel or embezzle the money meant for the development of your community. You may think that just because you are still under your parents’ roof you shouldn’t be bothered. Remember that time does fly and before you know it you will be on your own and become a direct recipient of their actions.
Every door has a specific key to open it. Without that key it can never it can never be opened. Prayer is the key that unlocks every door. In reality we are the ones holding Nigeria back. Pray for those in authority today and help in moving your country forward.
Written by Ude Nnenne
Monday, October 20, 2008
I know our blog has been down for a while now. It has been due to some challenges on our part. Anyways, no need to worry anymore because we are back and better. Get ready and brace yourselves because you are not ready for what we have in store for you.
Till then...
Keep affecting your generation for Christ!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
There is a place I call home
A place where I feel loved
A place where I am accepted
The colour of my skin does not matter here
The intonation of my speech is of no consequence
I am free to live without the fear that someday I will be seen as a stranger
My people will never treat me as if I am different from them
They will always stand by me
They believe in me
No, matter what I pass through
I am glad because they have my back
Where indeed can be compared to home?
Nigeria is my home
There could never be a place like her
I love her; she is all I have
I will stand by her because she stood by me
I will love her because she loved me
I accept her because she accepted me first
Despite the disrespect accorded to her by others
I will always respect her
She’s God’s gift to humanity
She is the most beautiful place that has ever existed
There is definitely no place like my home
Written by Ude Nnenne
The difference between winners and losers is that winners never quit but losers do. A winner may experience failure but he never gives up but a loser surrenders at the first sight of trouble.
“I hate to lose more than I like to win. I hate to see the happiness on their faces when they beat me - Jimmy Connors “. No one ever wants to be in a situation where others beat him or her. The truth is the road to success is not a smooth one. Failures are bound to come up sometimes but it is what you do afterwards that matters most. There will be times when people will laugh at you but never mind about that. All you have to do is work harder so that those same people will be the ones to laugh with you.
“Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost”.
Martina Navratilova. Winning or losing at any, point in life has a role to play in the search for success. No matter how great your loss was or how well you won in the past they all serve the same purpose. They are to serve as lessons in life. If you won, there must have been a way to accomplish more than you had accomplished. If you lost, there was a lesson for you to pick up; what did I fail to do that lead to my failure. Passing through these stages and not learning the lessons each has is living a wasted life. Failures should not be seen as failures but as stepping-stones.
“For me coming second is the same as coming last” Lew Grade. Winning is all about striving to be the best in anything you do. He who does not hope to win has already lost. José JuaquÃn Olmedo (1780 - 1847). You need to develop the right attitude towards winning. Winning is not for a select few, everyone has the ability to win. You just have to believe you can. “Winning isn't everything—it's the only thing” Sir Neil Shaw. There are so many opportunities out there for you to make a difference in. You have so much life ahead of you, why waste it in self-pity. Go out there and win all you can. Believe me if you do not someone else will, do not be left behind in this race.
Written by Ude Nnenne
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
Death never takes the wise man by surprise; he is always ready to go.
Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695)
Defer not till to-morrow to be wise,
To-morrow's sun to thee may never rise.
William Congreve (1670 - 1729)
From the earliest times the old have rubbed it into the young that they are wiser than they, and before the young had discovered what nonsense this was they were old too, and it profited them to carry on the imposture.
Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
If one is too lazy to think, too vain to do a thing badly, too cowardly to admit it, one will never attain wisdom.
Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)
It is a point of wisdom to be silent when occasion requires, and better than to speak, though never so well.
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.
William Cowper (1731 - 1800)
Not by years but by disposition is wisdom acquired.
The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
Compiled by Ude Nnenne
Have you ever been in tight corners?
Corners were you saw giving up as the only way out.
Have you ever been in a situation of helplessness?
A situation where the only advice that made sense was to, give up the struggle.
Have you ever thought of the possibility, that there could be something worth fighting for?
Alternatively, do you just believe that nothing in life is worth the struggle?
You keep saying to yourself, ‘nothing could be worse than what I’m facing right now’.
What indeed could be worse than losing the ability to believe in you?
I have news for you, ‘there is hope’.
The truth is every problem has a solution, found and unfound.
No problem would just go away because you want it to; you have to fight it head on to make it go.
Believe me, life is worth the struggle.
Why should others make it and you can’t?
What makes you different from them?
There is no law that says you cannot succeed where others have.
All it takes is hard work and determination.
We all have to make efforts.
“Success is relative. It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things”. –T.S. Elliot (1888-1965)
As a country, we have really messed things up.
We are well endowed in natural resources but have no development to show for it.
We are the laughing stock of our time because our fathers and mothers refused to make the efforts.
We are here, we know what it takes.
We know what Nigeria has and we know what she needs.
We should not let the failures of the past spoil our resolve to change the future.
It lies in our hands, Nigeria needs us.
Let us take a stand not to give up on our nation.
Our success depends on how much we put to the task.
Knowing our duties and taking up our positions,
I am sure that indeed for Nigeria ‘there is hope’.
Written by Ude Nnenne
“There must be a beginning of any great matter; but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory”. Francis Drake (1540-1596).
Starting a thing is not the problem. In fact starting is nothing compared to finishing. Most people who are unable to finish what they started do so because of their inability to endure all the difficulties that come their way.
It is like fighting a war. When a soldier goes to war, he does not just defeat one person. He does not believe that because the man he took on has surrendered to him the battle is over. Remember that the battle is not against a soldier but against an entire army. He fights on until the very last of his opponents surrenders. It is then that the battle is over and he is permitted to rejoice. He believes in fighting to the very last man. That is what persistence is about.
“Be ashamed to die until you’ve won some victory for humanity”- Horace Mann (1796-1859). You should never give up until whatever you are pursuing is at its end. Persistence is all about continuing steadily despite problems or obstacles. To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it. If you really need a positive result, you should be willing to hang on no matter how long it takes it to come.
The truth is your success does not depend on how much effort you put in but it depends on how long you can fight to get it. “Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you. Keep on going. Never give up”- Michael Smurfit.
Written by Ude Nnenne
A few years ago when I was still in the secondary school, a particular teacher of mine was fond of making a particular statement. She always told us that our generation was a “wasted generation”. At first, I saw it as a statement she made just because she felt like talking but later I realized that there was more to it.
Just as the popular saying goes “there is no smoke without fire”, I believe such a statement would not arise if people did not do stuffs that were in line with the statement. Take for example youths who are hired by bloodthirsty politicians. They are hired to intimidate anyone who does not vote for the candidate that hired them thereby making the whole election a total failure. Why should a person channel so much energy and vigour in something that is of no moral benefit to them? If you ask me that is a total waste of time and energy considering the fact that a youth is as a reservoir filled to the brim with first class energy.
Let us take a closer look at the implication of a wasted generation.
GENERATION: All of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes. (ENCARTA 2008)
WASTED: exploited when available, used without achieving any purpose
It has been stated that all those in the age bracket of 18 – 24 fall under the category of youths. Scientifically it is agreed that at this stage in any individual’s life he/she is seen to blossom (i.e. during this period they develop into more handsome and beautiful people, people whose brains operate at maximum). At this period, also many youths are carried away by their outward appearance forgetting to build their inner person. As a result, most of them turn out to be irresponsible, unfocused and above all ugly on the inside.
It is never wise to try to appear to be cleverer than you are. It is sometimes wise to appear slightly less so.
William Whitelaw (1918 - 1999)
Youths are known to be stubborn in admitting that they are actually less than what they want people to believe they are. Once you accept that you are on a particular level rather than pretending, you can then work towards attaining a particular height. The best way to do this is by taking ‘useful’ advice given by those who have already been there and investing in your mind. By doing this, you are maximizing your God given attributes and building your inner man. This is the best way to access and utilize the wisdom in youth and beauty.
(By Nnenne for YWAP Ota)
Don't Give Up
Let us look at this illustration and paint a picture in our minds eye. One day at home, I had just finished washing my clothes and the bathtub was still wet. I noticed an ant trying to climb out of the tub. Due to the slippery nature of the tub the ant kept falling. It kept climbing all the time although it ended up falling. After many efforts, it finally made its way out.
Bringing it home, we should be just like that ant. Falling in life does not mean we should remain on the wet ground. We should keep struggling to make it on to the dry land. Falling is not the problem but what you do after a fall is what matters. Do you stay there in the wet grass and develop a cold or do you pick a lesson from your fall and climb again.
“He who falls by his foot shall rise again; he who falls by his mouth shall not rise” {African (Efik) proverb}.
Here, falling by the foot represents the efforts you make in climbing. If you fall in the process of climbing, you will definitely rise and eventually succeed. It is all a matter of persistence. Anyone who gives up without a fight is not worthy to receive whatever reward he was supposed to get at the end of the ‘fight’. Falling by the mouth represents those who when they fall would rather sit there in the wet grass and keep giving excuses for their fall. Anyone who always has an excuse to back up a failure can never succeed. If they could use just half of the energy they use in thinking up these excuses in climbing there is no reason why they would not get to the dry ground.
“Experience makes men wise”. The essence of falling is so you can learn from the fall. Falling becomes a disaster when you are not able to discover the mistake you made which lead to your fall. By avoiding that mistake, you become a better climber and your chances of succeeding increase by the second.
“It is not by spectacular achievements that man can be transformed, but by will”.
Henrik Ibsen (1828 - 1906). That is the secret of success. When in a mess trying to remember past successes does not help. Your will is all it takes, the will to persevere. Are you willing to persevere for as long as it will take you to achieve your aim? Keep climbing and keep learning, never give up!
(By Nnenne for YWAP Ota)
I Believe
I believe in God the creator of heaven and earth with Him all things are possible. I believe in the Trinity, they work together to make things better. I believe in God, the author and finisher of my faith.
I believe in my parents, they are a combination of great minds.
I believe in Covenant University, it is a place to be. It is a planet on its own. It’s the driving force of Nigeria’s great potentials. I believe in the kings and queens of Hebron, the new generation leaders and the hope for Nigeria.
I believe in myself, I am the one Nigeria has been waiting for. I believe in myself because I have let go of my past. I can see my glorious secured future because I have God.
I believe in Nigeria, a country that will go places. No matter how bad things seem right now Nigeria will make it. This is what I believe in. How about you? What do you believe in?
A Prayer For Nigeria
Lord give us the GRACE
To sing your PRAISE
So we can be RAISED
And set the demons ABLAZE
God give us your POWER
To quench the devil’s FIRE
So we can go HIGHER
O God our FATHER
It’s going GAAGAA
We want it to be BETTER
O God the SON
Let loose the SUN
On Nigerian BORNS
So we can BLOSSOM
Please bless US
And save US
Lord cleanse our SINS
Make us new BEINGS
Let your RAIN
Flush out our PAINS
So we can REIGN
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Music Review: Group 1 Crew

The album Group 1 Crew has a number of tracks to blow your mind. It opens with the song 'Love Is A Beautiful Thing'. The song was a instant hit on the Christian Charts. 'Forgive Me' is also an instant banger. the song talks about how we as christians have to tell people of the Gospel and stand up for what we believe in.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A New Month!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Stay locked and You will be hearing from us.
God Bless...